Assistance on the territory seen by patients “new supported organizational models are urgent
Assistance in the community seen by patients: “New organizational models supported by technology and personalized medicine are urgently needed”
“There is no innovation without access to innovation. Citizens must have the same rights and get the care they need. Yet every day we find a great rift between a hypothesis of an innovative and potentially enriching and accessible health care for all and what instead happens in reality and in practice.
This rift must be bridged”. It is the call of Anna Lisa Mandorino, Secretary General of Cittadinanzattiva, who at the “MIDSUMMER SCHOOL 2022 – Disruptive technology and precision medicine” Of Healthcare engine, organized with the unconditional contribution of Technogenetics, Abbott, Becton Dickinson, Siemens Healthineers and Stago Italy has put an important need on paper: “A reorganization of territorial assistance is urgently needed, which must pass through technological innovation and personalized medicine”.
Anna Lisa Mandorino explained
“The pandemic – explained Anna Lisa Mandorino – it has forced us to deal with a health care system which, depleted of human and economic resources, has had to concentrate on emergencies, forcing people at the same time to “give up” on prevention programs and access to ordinary care. Even today we need to recover millions of benefits and citizens must be put in a position to return to treatment. At the same time, the pandemic has also highlighted some priorities for intervention, first of all that relating to the reorganization of territorial assistance, subject to reform with the PNRR and heated debate.
The lack of services, the distance from the places of care, typical of some areas of the country, as well as the complexity of urban and metropolitan areas, impose an innovation of the territorial health organizational models. To do this, it is also necessary to focus on technological innovation and personalized medicine. Only in this way will we be able to draw together a future healthcare made of accessible and tailor-made services of citizens, widespread in the area and that takes into account health needs as well as the socio-economic characteristics of the communities “.
Civic Report on Health 2022
According to “Civic Report on Health 2022” presented recently by Citizenship, in the field of territorial assistance there are great inefficiencies: 17.4% of the 13.748 reports received from the integrated project of protection (pit) of citizenship refers to territorial assistance, in particular to relationship with general practitioners and pediatricians of free choice (25.8%), of which citizens complain about the poor connection with specialists and services in the area, as well as the scarce availability in terms of time, availability and taking charge; The deficiencies of the services of continuity of care (13.9%) in particular referable to unavailability or limited times of the medical guard; and the deficiencies of theintegrated home care (12.1%), in particular for the failure to integrate social and health services, the difficulties in activation, the lack of some specialist figures (including psychologists), the inadequate number of days or hours.
On a general level, the gap between the various regions and autonomous provinces about the offer of ADI services is evident: in 2020 they reported greater coverage of Abruzzo (4.4% of the over 65 and 7% of the over 75), the Sicily (4.0% and 6, 6%), Veneto (3.8% and 6.2%), Basilicata (3.7% and 6.1%), Emilia Romagna (3.6% and 5.8%). ADI’s lower covers among the elderly population were reported by: P.TO. of Bolzano (0.5% between over 65 and 0.7% between over 75), Aosta Valley (0.5% and 0.7%), Calabria (1.0% and 0.7%) , Puglia (1.9% and 3.1%), Lazio (2.2% and 3.7%).
So he commented Paolo Bandiera, AISM General Affairs Director: “You have to change the processes, understanding what can be managed in a digital form. There are magnetic resonances that are not used to their maximum potential. We have a mass of data that are wasted“.
Silvia Tonolo, President Anmar Onlus finally stressed that “Interoperability is fundamental. Rheumatological patients that I represent have great difficulty “.