Hemophilia A to Z comes the book for the whole family
Hemophilia A to Z, comes the book for the whole family
“Undramatize the’use of needles and butterflies, perhaps with battles with syringes filled with water or infusions with sterile water done on the cot” all together, mom and children. These are the Examples of the ‘ Medical Play ’ That Brianna Carafa d & # 8217; Andria Experienced in Her Family of her after Her Youngst Son Was Diagnosed with Hemophilia Type A, in Severe Form. Thanks to Play Therapy, in fact, “ My Son Almedy ’ At 6 Years Old was able to Give Himself Intravenous Infusions on his Own, in a very natural way ” Without Being Afraid of It.
Gathered All the Information About The Pathology
Thus’, it was presented in the colorful premises of Explora, the Children’s Museum in Rome, the book ‘Hemophilia from A to Z – From Play Therapy to Competitive Sports’ a volume reissued thanks to the support of FedEmo (Federation of Hemophilia Associations) and Bayer, written by Carafa d’ Andria that–gathers all the information about the disease–aims to “disseminate it to parents, to be a tool for help, support and awareness-explained the author- Because’not knowing scares a lot , knowing instead strengthens”.
Also Emerging from the Debate Are The Main Problems in the ’ Care and Treatment of Hemophilia: Such as the “ Lady ’ In Treatment two to regionalism in Healthcare ’ ” Explains to the Dire Agency, Cristina Cassone, Fedemo President. In fact, there is strong inequality at the regional level, “ with extremely different levels of care from region to region ” Adds Raimondo De Cristofaro of the Hemorrhagic and Thommbotic Diseases Service of the Polyclinic Agostino Gemelli IRCCS in Rome. It. Unfortunately, this is not always the case ”.
The issuance of a competitive certification
Fortuntely Now, “ The Sensititivity ’ of Patients and the Work of Local Associations Are Highighing These Ladies ’ ” Raises de Cristofaro. The issuance of a competitive certification is ’ Another of the Big Issues Related to the ’ Hemophilia Universe. In fact, if a boy over the years we to continue sports “ he will need ’ -The author explains to direct- a competitive certification required by sports clubs ’ Sports ”. Unfortunately “ The Release is ’ Extremely differentiated between regions ”. The Problem, According to the Fedemo President, “ Is.
A Division of Responsibility ’ -Continues Cassone-Which Has Nothing to do with patients but also affects them psychologically ”.
News ’ Also on the Gene Therapy Front
Scientific approaches “ On Hemophilia Type B Are Underway in a very concrete sense, with a dozen or so interventions almedey ’ carried out in this field, although not in Italy- points out de cristofaro-, on the other hand , is ’ Much More Complex ”. Also New Are The Products That “ Will Soon Be Placed on the Market-Adds Simona Gatti, Bayer Medical Affairs Specialty Manager- Such As, The New Factor VIII ‘ extension ’ ” Which, De Cristofaro Concludes, “ Guarantees a Longer Stay in the Bloodstream and Greater Effectcy ” I know that it.
Bayer then, Also supports “ non-Sngonored Research with Research Calls, Making Available Every Year, for 17 Years- Continues cats- Substant Funds for the Academy and Research Centers ”. Nearly Half a Million People Worldwide are affected by Hemophilia, A Mostly Hereditary Condition That Causes Bleeding in Muscles, Joints and Tissues. Hemophilia A (More ’ Common Than Type B, Ed.) “ has a frequency- Concludes de Cristofaro- of 1 in 5,000 Malas Born ” and in Italy There are about 4,000 people affected.
The Book ‘ Hemophilia From A to Z – From Play Therapy to competitive sports ’ is free and will be ’ Available in All Local and Regional Associations and Hemophilia Centers Located Throughout The Territory.