Praise chocolate, even science says it’s good for the heart if we eat the right amount of it
Praise for chocolate, even science says it’s good for the heart if we eat the right amount of it
Those who consider chocolate only a sin of gluttony are sorely mistaken because in addition to being a delicacy in its endless varieties and combinations it helps improve heart health. This is claimed by Research conducted by the prestigious Harvard Medical School Published in the Journal of BMJ Heart, According to Which Eating in Chocolate Snack 6 Times a Week Can Help Prevent Renhythmia, or Irguular Heart Rate. The ’ Scientific Involution Avvad A Very Large Sample of Individuals in Denmark, As Many As 55 Thousand Men and Women, All Participants in the 13-Year Study Called Danish Diet, Cancer, and Heath.
During This time period, Researchers Monitord The Volunteers’ Habits and Lifestyle, Regularly Checking Blood Pressure, ChoLolesterol Level, Body Mass Index, and Any Health Problems Such AS Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disorders. Over the Years, 3.300 CASES OF ATRIAL FIBRILLATION, OR A CONDITION IN WHICH THE HEART BEATS AT AN ABNARMAL RATE. The Consequences of This Problem includes Incasedo Risk of Heart Attacks and Strokes, Which in Turn Raise The Likelihood of Premature Death. By Introducing Chocolate Into Participants’ Diets, Researchers Found That the Risk of Atrial Fibrillation Dropped by 17 Percent Overall, for Men by 20 percent with a Weekly Dose of Six Pieces of Chocolate. Unfortunately, However, For Women the Limit Drops to Just One Bar for Week.
For Both Sexes, Attention Must Be Paid To Dosage. The Data Are Clear: Eating More of It Does Not Benefit; In fact, it veteran the installment to 16%. One of the Study Authors Elizabeth Mostofsky Explained That “Although Most of the Chocolate Consumad During The Research Had A Relatively Low Concentration of Potentally Protective Ingredients, We Found A Significant Association Bethaeen Its consumption and Lowered Risk of Atria Fibrillation. Which suggests that any small amounts of cocoa can have a positive impact on our health.”.
He continued, “Eating Too Much Chocolate, on the other hand, is not recommended because so many products are high in sugar, fat and calories. They make people fat and causes other metabolic problems. Moderate Consumeration Instead Can Be a Healthy Choice.”. We indulge in extra dark chocolate to enjoy the best benefits, or dark chocolate with a minimum cocoa content of 80%.
In short, for Giovanni D’Agata, president of Sportello deiRights, eating the right amount, without exaggerating, can only be good for your throat and your health.