Care for free alzheimer patients the Cassation says so
Care for free alzheimer patients, the Cassation says so
The treatments for Alzheimer’s patients must be free and borne by the National Health Service. This was stated by the Court of Cassation with a sentence that will open the way to over 700 thousand families, who have a patient at home, to ask for reimbursements of the expenses incurred for care, about 2.000 euros per month on average for drugs, nurses and carers. In many cases the costs are also superior when a family member, usually a woman, must leave the job to assist a relative who falls into the severely conclaimed pathology and loses autonomy.
Free treatments for Alzheimer’s patients affecting about 700 thousand families
The cost of this ruling to the NHS could run into tens of billions a year.
Alzheimer’s pathology affects 47 million patients worldwide today, which, due to the lengthening of life and general aging, will become 130 million by 2050 with an enormous cost to society. The disease still has no cure but it can be prevented and counteracted by tackling it before it attacks our brain, which like all other organs needs treatment and checks, as we are used to doing by going to the ophthalmologist or dermatologist or ‘orthopedic surgeon, but we never go for a brain check with an assessment of the cognitive state.
Train your brain
Prevention is the basis of the protocol against Alzheimer’s, Train The Brain (trains the brain), which gave positive results in 80% of the subjects treated, which were at the beginning of the disease (MCI Mild Cognitive Impairement) the protocol, non -pharmacological, conceived by the prof. Lamberto Maffei, who worked with the prof.Ssa Rita Levi Montalcini, was built at the Institute of Neuroscience by the National Research Council and is applied and disseminated by the Igea Onlus Foundation (www.foundation.IT), to make it available to all people who may need them.
Train The Brain is based on the stimulation of the plasticity of the brain, an organ that can react to changes, such as those caused by a disease, to contrast it. Simplifying it can be said that this protocol represents the gym of the mind, to combat aging and prevent cerebral pathologies. The brain is an organ like everyone else, with time age and stress can lose liveliness.
To keep it active, you need to exercise just as you do in the gym to do gymnastics. With gymnastics our muscles remain toned and work better, they do not return to being those of twenty years but aging and the risk of getting sick are moved away. The same thing happens to the brain, which, like all other organs, needs checks and prevention.
Controls and prevention
An effective form of defense, which can reduce the risk of falling into Alzheimer’s by up to 35%, is constituted by correct behaviors and lifestyles, to be followed always, from an early age. You shouldn’t wait until you’re old, to do prevention the sooner you start the better. A study by the “Lancet” Commission for Dementias has identified the main risk factors to be avoided throughout life: obesity, sedentary lifestyle, some pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension and depression, loss of social relationships. To these are added: smoking, alcohol, bad or excessive nutrition.
Control these risk factors in our daily behaviors constitutes a form of prevention that can ensure a healthier continuation of life in old age.
These factors representing 35% of the risk can be controlled and modified in ours
daily behaviors, starting at any age. Certainly before it starts better is. The rest
65% of the risk factors, among which the main is the increase in age, are not modifiable and this
makes it even more important to act as soon as possible on the factors that we can control.
A silent pathology
This insidious pathology is silent, initially without symptoms, those who are sick do not know. The illness
works slowly for 15 – 20 years gradually destroying neurons, the brain compensates with i
surviving neurons the lack of those affected, for this there are no obvious signals but can be done
an early diagnosis starting with a control of the cognitive state. The disease continues in the dark up to
When the neuronal kit is devastated and only then the symptoms appear when there is no more possibilities
of defense.
The Train the Brain project, the Mind Gym, is also useful as prevention for healthy people and
to people who have no symptoms but who may be at risk from the disease
long years without symptoms.