FS Italiane Together With running with Flavio for Research Against Pediatric Cancer Diseases
FS Italiane together with Correndo con Flavio for research against pediatric oncological diseases
Italian State Railways Group Supports Running with Flavio, The Sporting Event, Scheduled to Take Place at Rome Aqueducts Park on Oct. 18. It is a form of Commitment to Support Scientific Research Against Pediatric Oncological Diseases. The Twitter Initiative Launched by the @fsnews_en account: #corrickwithflavio.
Running with Flavio is a celebration. A Way, Perhaps The Best Way, to Remember Flavio Rinaudo, The Son of Two Trenitalia Employees Who Dacci at the Age of Nine. AN EXAMPLE OF STENGH AND COORAGE FOR THOSE Children and Young People Who Are Still On Track and Fighting Cancer Diseases Every day.
“The Italian State Railways Group and All Its Employees Stand by The Voluntary Association Flavio’s Big Heart, Born This Year in Rome Thanks to Flavio’s Parents, with the Mission of Offering Solidarity and Support to Young Cancer Patients and Their Families – Said Michael Mario Elijah ad of FS Italiane who added – the first cure for every disease is solidarity with those who suffer by breaking down barriers, distances and prejudices. The race in memory of little Flavio is the best way to support those who fight these horrible diseases every day”.
The goal of the event Running with Flavio is to raise funds for the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome, which is engaged in scientific research for the treatment of rhabdomyosarcoma, the most frequent soft part tumor in pediatric age, accounting for 4-5% of all childhood neoplasms, and which in some variants or disseminated forms is highly aggressive and still burdened by a high risk of mortality. “Supporting the most advanced scientific research – said Prof Frank Locatelli, Director of the Department of Oncohematology at the Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital in Rome – is the best way to advance and care and to honor the memory of those children, like Flavio, who unfortunately were unable to beat this disease”.
The event will begin at 8 a.m.30 at Acquedotti Park on Lemonia Street Rome (Rome City Hall VII). The program includes two sports competitions: a 600-meter cross country race reserved for children and young people and a 5-kilometer non-competitive race open to all. Also planned are two martial arts performances: one of Kung-fu in memory of Flavio and one of Karate.
Also available is a children’s area with entertainment by clown-doctors, a booth where a charity fishing and distribution of information material is planned.