Latium Region – Health Care Path Started for Resumping of Activities at Israelitic
Latium Region – Health Care, Started the Path for the Resumpation of the Activities of the Israelitic Hospital
“Initiated the Procedures for the Unblocking, Albeit Partial, of the Activities of the Outpatient Clinics Connected to the Israelitic Hospital. TODAY, AT THE END OF A A SERIES OF TECHNICAL MEETINGS HALD IN THE REGION AIMED AIMED THE ALARTED REQUirements, IT WAS Decided That With Regard To The Hospital And The Outpatient Clinic at 59 Via Veronese It Will Be Done in a short time, after the SubMission of the Documents Required by the Minutes, The Issuance of the Measure of Authorization to Exercise Health Care Activity.
As for the Tiber Island Hospital Facility, On The Other Hand, This Will Be Able To Resume Activity, Still Under Authorization from the Date of the SubMission of Statements of Compliance with the Terms of the Warning.
Recall that as a result of the investigation of the judiciary to date are in custody measures for all former top management of the hospital, 14 administrative and health staff.
The crimes charged are very serious and wrapping An Allegation of “Planned Falsification” of Health Records and Claims for Remuneraction to the Regional Health Service Such That Investigators Speak of “Serial Falsification” of Medical Records.
In this affair, The Lazio Region, Which Is a Plaintiff, Has Always World to Combine Restoration of Legality and Defende of Employment Levels. This is Why He supports the efforts of the anac and the prefect of Rome, Who for the first time in Italy Applied the Provisions of the Anti-Corruption Law To A Private Healthcare Facility.”.