Lazio Region – ASL from five to three Zingaretti Let’s merge ASL RMC and RMB
Lazio Region – ASLs from five to three, Zingaretti: “Let’s merge ASLs RMC and RMB”
With the decree of modification of the Operational Program Already Signed That Provides for the Amalgamation of ASL RM C and RM B, and After The Almedy Occurred Integration of ASL RM A and, A New and Different Territorial Arrangement of the Asls of City of Rome will be realized, in Order to beter respond to the New Needs of the Territory of Rome Capital After The Reduction of the Municipalities. After More Than Two Decades, The Need To Redrow the Map of the Asls of Roma Capitale is two to the Need to Give Unaambiguous Territorial CorpsPondence Bethaeen Municipalities and ASLS in order to Greater Administrative Simplification and the Consequent Facilititation in the Use of Services. The Reduction of the ASL of Roma Capitale From Five To Three, in addition to the Reduction of Expenses for Corporate Bodies (General, Administrative and Health Directorates), is Functional to Give Full Operation to the Emergency and Time-Dependent Hospital Networks.
The Resources Recarse From The Reduction of Expenses and Dupplication That Exist TODAY WILL BE Used for the Strenngthening of the Territorial Network. Another novelty in Terms of System Efficiency and Cost Reduction is the Establishment of “Aggregation Areas” for the conduct of procurement curtains, which will no longer be done by individual company and asls as waste the case grease now. The new aggregation (vast areas) will group together the ASLs of northern Lazio (Viterbo, Rieti and the ASL RMF), the ASLs of Rome including hospital and university companies and the ASLs of southern Lazio.
In addition to rationalizing purchases, they will allow the prices of goods and services to be standardized across companies, and at the same time they will serve for the determination of needs and actual consumption in relation to the production volumes of individual local health units and companies.
“We continue in our daily battle of innovation of the Lazio Region. Let’s reduce costs while increasing services for citizens. If Our Region, After Being On The Brink of BankruptCy, is now back on Its Feet and Looking to the Future With Hope, It is Also Because in These Two and a Half Years We have cut more THAN 500 Chairs for Saving Almedy Achieved of 400 Million Euros That Will Reach 1 Billion in 2017 When We Finish Our Process.
So we are alo also this for the asls, whose allocation had been stuck for more Than 20 ’ Years: after the almedey subsequent Integration Bethaeen RMA and RM and Now it will be the turn of RMB and RM C. No Going Back, and in Rome the Asls Will Go from Five to Three. Lower Costs and More Services for Citizens ” .
Lazio Regional President Nicola Zingaretti State in A Note.
The Asls of Rome’s Capital City Will Be Articulated As Follows:
1) Rome 1 (former asl rm and and a) Municipalities I °, ii °, III °, XIII °, XIV °, XV. Resident Population 1.050.682;
2) Rome 2 (former asl rm b and c) Municipalities IV °, V °, VI °, VII °, IX. Resident Population 1.290.266;
3) Rome 3 (formerly rm d) Municipalities X °, XI ° XII ° and Fiumicino. Resident Population 674.000.