Praise chocolate, even science says it’s good for the heart if we eat the right amount of it
Praise for chocolate, even science says it’s good for the heart if we eat the right amount of it Those who consider chocolate only a sin of gluttony are sorely mistaken because in addition to being a delicacy in its endless varieties and combinations it helps improve heart health. This is claimed by Research conducted…
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Vaccination against meningitis is an important step to take for the health of the community
Vaccination against meningitis: an important step to take for the health of the community The cases of meningitis that are occurring have led to an understandable social alarm and many parents and users, including adults, go to the vaccination offices of the ASL Roma 4 asking for advice. First of all, it should be clarified…
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DIY Diet, because they are to be avoided
DIY Diet, because they are to be avoided With the arrival of the summer, many have decided to start doing physical activity and getting on a diet. Many have turned, as it is right to be, to professionals: to dieticians, to have advice on the diet to be followed more suitable for their build and…
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Food diabetes, it exists or not actually not!
Food diabetes, exists or not? Guest of our newspaper, today, is the Dott. Diego Carleo Endocrinologist Diabetologist of the ASL Napoli 2 North. Let’s talk about diabetes and associated lifestyle, giving the floor to our readers, affected by the disease. We will try to dispel doubts about the correct diet, on the need or not…
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Lazio Region – CUP tender with lower costs but higher quality of services to citizens
Lazio Region – CUP, tender with lower costs but higher quality of services to citizens The Cup service in Lazio had been extended for over ten years. For this reason, the Lazio Region has decided to launch a new call for tenders in June for the assignment of the Single Reservation Centers (Cup) of the…
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Female infertility blamed on viral infection
Female infertility blamed on viral infection Female infertility could be associated with viral infection. This is the summary of the research carried out in collaboration between the team of Prof. Dario Di Luca of the Department of Medical Sciences and Prof. Roberto Marci of the Department of Morphology, Surgery and Experimental Medicine at the University…
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Assistance on the territory seen by patients “new supported organizational models are urgent
Assistance in the community seen by patients: “New organizational models supported by technology and personalized medicine are urgently needed” “There is no innovation without access to innovation. Citizens must have the same rights and get the care they need. Yet every day we find a great rift between a hypothesis of an innovative and potentially…
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Flavia’s story how a teenager discovers endometriosis
Flavia’s story, how a teenager discovers endometriosis Flavia is 15 years old and has known for two years that she has chronic disease after hospitalizations and misdiagnoses. At school, she met with the volunteers of the A.P.AND. Endometriosis Project Association and now, through her story about her, she wants to help other girls feel less…
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Back to Rome “Love it! Conscious sex” campaign on contraception for young women
Back to Rome “Love it! Conscious sex “: the contraception campaign for young women After the great success of last year, it stops again in Rome, at the Salone dello Studente which closes tomorrow at the Fiera di Roma, Love it! Conscious sex, contraception awareness campaign promoted by SIGO – Italian Society of Gynecology and…
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Dehydrogenase ACIL-CIL-COA deficit medium chain the risk of transmission
ACIL-COA Dehydrogenase Dehydenasi deficiency: the risk of transmission In pregnancy, great emotions are experienced but also great concerns: future parents think first of all about the health of their child and are afraid that it can be born with a genetic disease. Thanks to a Genetic test preconception they can know if the child can…
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