Depression over 340 million people in the world suffer from it
Depression, over 340 million people in the world suffer from it Depression is currently considered by the World Health Organization to be the second cause of disability in the panorama of physical and psychological illnesses. An estimated 340 million people worldwide suffer from depression. The most affected age group is between 30 and 49 years.
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Blog in – Food blogging in people; For the National Week of Celiach
From 13 to 21 May “ Blog in – Food blogging in people ” For the national celiac disease week Celiac disease does not rhyme with monotony, but far from! Eating gluten-free is also an opportunity to discover new foods and invent new and tasty solutions, using the most diverse cereals and enhancing naturally gluten-free…
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Against alcohol drugs and neuro-covids turning the brain back on works
Against alcohol, drugs and neuro-covids, reigniting the brain works “There are at least four beneficial effects that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) has on the brain: chemical; brain plasticity; anti-inflammatory; oxygenative. And it is precisely the combination of these four effects that is why TMS works even when drugs no longer seem to work. Transcranial magnetic…
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Diabetes Liraglutide kidney-saving drug
Diabetes, Liraglutide kidney-saving drug After the significant results obtained on the reduction of cardiovascular risk, another confirmation for liraglutide, the analogue of human GLP-1, from the new data of the LEADER study presented at the 52nd European congress of diabetes EASD. The drug reduces the progression of kidney damage in adults with type 2 diabetes…
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Gardenia and Ortensia to fight multiple sclerosis
Gardenia and Ortensia to fight multiple sclerosis On the occasion of Women’s Day, on 3, 4 and 8 March in 5 thousand Italian squares, Gardenia and Ortensia, also in 100 squares between Rome and the province, you can choose to support AISM’s commitment alongside the people with MS, a disease that mainly affects the female…
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Operation Wellness 6 out of 10 Italians are healthy only in words
Operation Wellness, 6 out of 10 Italians are health conscious only in words With Christmas just around the corner, we are back to talking about the dried fruits. And if in the past this represented a welcome feature of Christmas tables, today more and more studies and initiatives are making known benefits that a regular…
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From today in Bracciano the Conference of Health Services two days of work
From today in Bracciano the Conference of Health Services: two days of work for ….get to know each other better! Two intense days to get to know and get to know each other: operators, managers, officials, middle managers and actors from local institutions and associations, gathered in Bracciano, in the welcoming setting of the Multipurpose…
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Health Sileri on the fight against HIV Institutions on the front line
Health, Sileri on the fight against’HIV: “Institutions on the front lines” “Institutions need to do a lot in the fight against HIV, so much so that some parliamentarians have tabled several amendments and there is also a government amendment to improve what is the’information and education campaigns on HIV and against AIDS& #8221;. Speaking to…
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Here are the exams to be done during the first trimester of pregnancy
Here are the exams to be done during the first trimester of pregnancy When a woman discovers she is pregnant, she immediately thinks about her baby’s health. To keep it under control it is important to carry out the Prenatal screening test or the prenatal diagnosis exams. It is essential to also take care of…
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Diet because blood tests are important before starting
Diet, because blood tests are important before starting Before starting a diet it is important to contact an expert who knows how to evaluate the starting situation and which path is the best to follow to get back in shape. Do-it-yourself diets should be avoided, especially if you suffer from pathologies and if we have…
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