Lymphatic drainage massage risks and benefits
Lymphatic drainage massage: risks and benefits There are many types of massages but in particular, one of the most requested is the lymphatic drainage one which acts on the lymphatic circulation to facilitate it and eliminate any stagnation of liquids. It is especially requested by women who, thanks to these massages, want to eliminate blemishes…
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Live mussels dangerous to health alert throughout Italy
Live mussels dangerous to health: alert throughout Italy A maximum alert has just been issued throughout Italy for live mussels because they could contain the dangerous Escherichia Coli bacterium “beyond the legal limits”. The alarm that concerns the entire national territory, from north to south, was launched by the RASFF, the alert system rapid European…
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Umbilical cord because it is good to keep it
Umbilical cord, because it is good to keep it The umbilical cord is a communication tissue that develops in the fifth week of gestation and continues to grow up to 50 cm in length, allowing the exchange of nutrients and oxygen between mother and baby.
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Summer is coming how to curb hair loss
Summer is coming: how to curb hair loss We all look forward to the arrival of summer: the most beautiful season of the year because it allows us to disconnect from study or work and live our social lives intensely. Yet, this season is often a harbinger of pathologies and problems that can seriously embarrass…
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Night cramps what to do when they happen
Night cramps, what to do when they happen Night cramps are involuntary and sudden, sometimes painful muscle spasms, which occur with a acute painful painful. It is a very common disorder connected to stress or muscle fatigue, changes in temperature, deficiency of mineral salts (magnesium and potassium).
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This is what the link between food pregnancy and the umbilical cord consists of
This is what the link between food, pregnancy and the umbilical cord consists of Approaching food and following proper nutrition is not always immediate and easy for everyone. Today the link between food and pregnancy is well known, and consequently the umbilical cord plays an important role, since it is the organ that allows the…
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Constipation, which natural methods can be adopted
Constipation, which natural methods can be adopted There constipation (or constipation) It occurs when it evacuates less than three times a week and not, as you mistakenly think, when it does not evacuate regularly every day. There are several remedies from medicinal to natural ones such as herbal teas or herbs.
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Ladispoli – with l Start of the nursing hospitalization starts the experimentation of the new AS model
Ladispoli – With the start of the nursing hospitalization, the experimentation of the new assistance model starts With taking charge of the first three patients, the activity of the nursing unit at the House of Health of Ladispoli-Cerveteri began this morning this morning. The Nursing Inpatient Unit is an intermediate-type low-intensity clinical care area equipped…
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Nocturnal cramps why do they come
Nocturnal cramps, why do they come? THE nocturnal cramps are involuntary, sudden and painful muscle contractions that occur in the calf, thigh and sometimes the sole of the foot.
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Civitavecchia – ASL Roma F The Truths About Vaccinations Bethaeen False Myths
Civitavecchia – ASL Roma F, The Truths About Vaccinations Bethaeen False Myths, Popular Beliefs, and Scientific rigor Large Audience YesTerday after the Hall of the Citadel of Music in Civitavecchia for the Conference Organized by ASL Rome F on “The Vaccination Service Meets the Territory”. The Ministry of Health Recently Published Vaccination Coverage at 24…
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